Sunday, August 15, 2010

Memorable Night

the king with blogger

Happy 20th Birthday Danson Khaw 

Went Mois for the birthday celebration and SS to find bie's fren.
Stayed at SS for awhile. Don't really love the environment. After that head to Mois.
Around 1 something, checking by police. Ruined everyone's mood. =.=''
This is my first time !!!! I'm not afraid but sleepy yet hungry.
So we stayed inside Mois for more than 4hours just to wait police call our name.
Thanks WeiJie for dropping and waiting, reached home around 5something.
Edit photos and sleep at almost 7am.

People of the night.
Mr.Ooi & BirthdayBoy

Met Jill, the coursemate

ShuYee, Jill, Sam


couples with the king of the night

While waiting ~~ Cam whore time with Mr.Ooi

ps: I know you will look good without fresh but what to do? I just simply love it. 

-the end-

Thursday, August 12, 2010

43 things A Girl wished A Guy to know

#1 When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away.

#2 When she misses you, she’s hurting inside.

#3 When she says it’s over, she still wants you to be hers.

#4 When she walks away from you mad, follow her.

#5 When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.

#6 When she pushes or hits you, grab her tight & don’t let her go.

#7 When she starts cursing at you, kiss her and tell her you love her.

#8 When she ignores you, give her your attention.

#9 When she pulls away, pull her back.

#10 When you see her at her worst, tell her she’s beautiful.

#11 When you see her crying, just hold her and don’t say a word.

#12 When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.

#13 When she’s scared, protect her.

#14 When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt her head up and kiss her.

#15 When she steals your favourite jacket, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.

#16 When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.

#17 When she doesn’t answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.

#18 When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up with the truth.

#19 When she says that she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.

#20 When she grabs your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.

#21 When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.

#22 When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.

#23 When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does.

#24 Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.

#25 Don’t let her have the last word.

#26 Don’t call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is so much better.

#27 Say you love her more than she could ever love you.

#28 Argue that she is the best girl ever.

#29 When she’s mad, hug her tight and don’t let go.

#30 When she says she’s OK, don’t believe it, talk to
her about it, because 10 yrs later she’ll still remember it.

#31 Call her at 12:00am on special occasions to tell her you love her.

#32 Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.

#33 Treat her like she’s all that matters to you.

#34 Don’t ignore her when she’s out with you and your friends.

#35 Stay up all night with her when she’s sick.

#36 Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.

#37 Let her into your world.

#38 Let her wear your clothes.

#39 When she’s bored and sad, hang out with her

#40 Let her know she’s important.

#41 Kiss her in the pouring rain.

#42 When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; “Who’s ass am I kicking today baby?”

#43 After she reads this, she hopes one day you’d read it too. 

Yes, I'm talking to you Mr.Ooi 

Monday, August 9, 2010

The second 9th

Morning world, I know I'm too early for blogging but what to do?
I just miss out my class =.=''
so I'm trying to update something. =)

Actually today is a special day for me and Mr.Ooi
Its our 2th month anni. <3
Can't believe we have been together for 2months.
hahahha.. I know its not a long period.
But I'm glad that he is still MINE!
always always always ~~~~~~~
these are the pictures taken yesterday at QB
we were suppose to go for a movie but due to my snail-moving Boyfriend
we missed the movie although I have booked the tickets!
anyway, gonna catch up the movie today!
hopefully NO MORE LATE!

the blogger 


Happy 2th-month Anniversary